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1st - 11th of August 2011

Summer academy "Musicalta" in Rouffach (Alsace, France)
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24th - 31st of July 2011

"Umbria estate" masterclasses in Assisi (Italy)
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June 12th 2011, 16h

With Natalia Tolstaia & Nathalia Milstein
Concert in the "Offrande Musicale" Festival in Vieux Rompon (Ardèche, France)
Works by Bach, Schumann, Schubert
Click here for more information

June 11th 2011, 20h

With Natalia Tolstaia & Nathalia Milstein
Concert in the "Offrande Musicale" Festival in Vieux Rompon (Ardèche, France)
Works by Bach, Schumann, Schubert
Click here for more information

May 14th 2011, 20h

With Natalia Tolstaia & Nathalia Milstein
Concert in the "Grand Palais" Auditorium for the exhibition of Odilon Redon's paintings (Paris, France).
Works by Schumann, Franck, Ravel
Click here for more information

May 12th 2011, 21h

With Natalia Tolstaia & Nathalia Milstein
Concert in the Café des Arts in Grenoble (France)
Works by Schumann, Franck, Ravel
Click here for more information